Sometimes, it’s helpful to know how much oil to add, while other times, it’s about determining how much fuel is needed to achieve the correct fuel mix ratio, starting with… how much oil you have to work with?
Select Calculation Mode: Oil to Fuel
Using this gas-to-oil mix calculator, you can easily find the exact amount of oil or fuel needed for any specified ratio. It simplifies the process, allowing you to refuel quickly and confidently, knowing your engine is running at peak efficiency. Whether you’re preparing a standard 2-stroke mix or adjusting for unique applications, our tools and guides help you maximize performance while safeguarding your equipment.
Proper fuel premix is crucial in 2-stroke engines for optimal performance in small chainsaw or a high-powered outboard motor. Accurate oil measurements, calculated in milliliters or fluid ounces, ensure efficient combustion, adequate lubrication, and minimal smoke or engine wear.