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See how AMSOIL products perform in the lab and in the field.

why… Auto Service centers contact us.

Auto service managers are exploring different options to maximize their profits from oil change services, but so far, they have not been able to find the perfect solution or an ideal partner.

When mechanics examine their customers’ engines, they often find excessive sludge buildup and wear that shouldn’t be there. The source of the problem is usually the quality of the motor oil. To help avoid this, many mechanics are now looking for far better-quality full-synthetic oil.

why… Diesel Trucking and Fleet Service contact us.

Mechanics are attempting to find ways to prevent engine malfunctions, clutch and transmission problems, and fuel protection/ cleaning solutions. They need to comply with the manufacturer’s warranty but find that their current suppliers cannot provide improved solutions for a fair price.

  • Reduce oil consumption
  • Protect vital parts
  • Increase fuel economy
  • Overall cost
AMSOIL Distribution Superior USA.

cutting-edge solutions to the toughest problems

AMSOIL is renowned for creating synthetic lubricants that solve the toughest problems of vehicles and equipment. Our synthetic lubricants are known for providing exceptional performance in a variety of areas, from automotive and powersports to industrial, racing, and beyond. Our dedication to progress has resulted in a large, devoted base of customers.

What is AMSOIL®

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